[#4] Neha Bhatia: Doctor of Chiropractic


Dr. Neha Bhatia

San Diego Chiropractor


Meet Neha Bhatia, doctor of chiropractic & the owner of Point Loma’s Revive Chiropractic. After falling in love with San Diego in 2018, she realized it was everything she wanted but couldn’t get in LA – namely, the community connection. It’s been a pleasure getting to Dr. Neha as my chiropractor and I’m honored to have her here to share more about herself… Let’s get started!

What sparked your interest or drew you to the work you do today?

I have always been into health and fitness and being active. My undergrad degree is in Kinesiology with an emphasis in sports medicine. I was looking to explore options on what I wanted to do with my degree. Through some research, I found out about Chiropractic and went to shadow a few doctors to learn more about the profession. I can honestly say that I immediately fell in love with Chiropractic. Chiropractic is about helping people achieve their health goals and getting them out of pain naturally. My health and fitness background aligned with what Chiropractic care represents. Becoming a Chiropractor is hands down one of the best decisions I have ever made and I am so grateful everyday to be in a field that cares about the health and wellness of others.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I love mornings so I do my best to optimize on getting my day going on the right foot. I wake up every morning between 5:30-6am and get my body moving with a 60 minute workout. I rotate my workouts between barre, hot pilates and my peloton. After my workout, I'll have coffee on my balcony. I have an incredible view of San Diego from my balcony and I love soaking that in every morning. While on my balcony I'll usually read articles and books written by Gabby Bernstein (spiritual educator). Her work really helps me set my intentions for my day and puts me in a positive mindset. Afterwards, I will go over my day's schedule and get mentally prepared to start the busy day. When I get to the office, I prep and get ready for my patients. It's important to me that I am fully present for my patients and give them my 100%. Once I'm done treating patients I then begin focusing on the business side of things. Being a business owner means that there is always work that needs to be done. However, I know work life balance is extremely important so I give myself a deadline to stop working by a certain time each day. After I'm done at the office I like to end my day in nature. Currently, I go for walks at Sunset Cliffs.


“Medicine is the study of disease and what causes a man (or women) to die, chiropractic is the study of life and what causes a man to live.”

– BJ Palmer, Developer of Chiropractic


How would you describe the value of chiropractic care?

The chiropractic mindset came from BJ Palmer. He is the developer of Chiropractic and he said “medicine is the study of disease and what causes a man (or women) to die, chiropractic is the study of life and what causes a man to live.”

Chiropractors and medical doctors study the body the same way. We have the same classes in school. What differs is that MDs have more classes in epidemology (studying disease). Chiropractors study how the body functions and how we can optimize our bodies ability to heal and live in an optimal state. We need MDs of course, however, we shouldn’t wait for our bodies to break down. We all should be consistently doing things that elevate our wellbeing.

That being said, Chiropractors focus on optimizing the function of the nervous system. The nervous system controls all the functions in our body, from digestion to immune function to posture. So when the spine is not in alignment, it interferes with the nervous systems ability to regulate these functions properly. Therefore, getting regular adjustments will generate a healthier body and help create a pain free, healthy and happy lifestyle.

You started your own successful practice here in San Diego – what has been your biggest challenge with that?

I'd have to say that opening my practice right before the pandemic was my biggest challenge. I opened my practice in January 2020 and we were in a national lockdown by March 2020. To say it was an extremely stressful time in my life is an understatement.

Getting your name out there as a new Chiropractor is really difficult. Now getting your name out there as a Chiropractor in a new city during a Pandemic is even harder. I was brand new in San Diego. Nobody knew me here and nobody was meeting face to face. So, I got creative and I utilized as many resources as possible. Some of these resources included; access to Facebook groups, my alumni group, other business owners in the community, my mentors, etc. I attended as many networking groups as I could via zoom. I joined any and every group in the community I could find. I knew I had to meet people and get patients. This was the only way my business would survive. I’m so grateful to say that not only did my business survive the pandemic, but it is now a successful practice that is recognized within the community.

Is there any particular resource or practice that has been especially instrumental in your personal or professional growth?

One of the best resources for me has been a facebook group called "Women Chiropractors". This group has female Chiropractors from all over the world. They are an amazing group of women who are passionate about what they do and want to lift other women up. The women in this group have helped me immensely. From patient treatment questions to running a business, these women have given me the best advice, education and support. The key to this group is to not only ask questions for yourself but to also be a resource to others and help lift others. Connecting with other females in the same field as me has been an incredible blessing and I am so grateful a group like this exists.

What’s your best piece of “real talk” advice for a woman who wants to pursue a career as a chiropractor?

Chiropractic for women is not an easy profession. This profession is mostly dominated by males. Therefore, you have to be really good at what you do and you have to love what you do. Like any profession, you have to be good at your craft and you have to keep working at it. For Chiropractic that craft is adjusting. You must be a good adjuster. Many people think men can adjust better than women. This is absolutely not the case. Most female Chiropractors I know are better adjusters than men. But they have worked hard to reach this level. Your passion for this field will give you the drive to do this


Like any profession, you have to be good at your craft and you have to keep working at it. For Chiropractic that craft is adjusting. You must be a good adjuster. Many people think men can adjust better than women. This is absolutely not the case.


We love featuring local businesses! Do you have a favorite shop, restaurant, or business that comes to mind?

Trilogy Sanctuary in La Jolla is an amazing wellness center. From Yoga, to sound baths and other self healing workshops, It's one of my favorite places to work on my physical, emotional and spiritual well being. They also have a plant based vegan cafe that is absolutely delicious!

Connect with Dr. Neha:

Website: www.sandiegorevivechiropractic.com | Instagram: @revive_chiropractic_ | Email: Drbhatia.neha@gmail.com